Property Tax


For golf course owners, property taxes are one of the highest expense categories in their budgets. We ask our elected and paid municipal officials to treat our industry fairly, and not allow personal prejudices to influence the tax assessment process.

Property taxes across the U.S. differ greatly, and estimates show that property taxes represent 40% accounts for all taxes paid by businesses to state and local governments. So how can you be assured that your assessment is fair? 

Why is this issue important to golf course owners and operators?

NGCOA knows our industry is being targeted with special tax assessment policies that fail to provide fair and equal treatment to golf clubs and courses. Property tax is a tax on the market value of the owned property, including land, buildings, cars, business inventory, etc. In most cases, the property tax rates are fixed as a percentage of the value of the property; however, assessing the property is very subjective.

What is the NGCOA doing about this issue?

To better address this issue, NGCOA will soon launch a “Property Tax Center” which will share the latest updates on property tax laws and regulations affecting your business, and will provide golf course owners with educational material that will aid them in preparing for and, if necessary, challenging their assessment.

Owners will also have access to the industry’s leading property tax matter experts, who will be available to answer questions and assist with challenging City Hall. 
In the meantime, if you have a property tax issue or question, please contact Ronnie Miles, NGCOA Director of Advocacy, at or 843-471-2714.

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