
Golf Business
Advocacy Center

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The NGCOA protects and advances golf courses’ business interests through an array of education, resources and engagement at the federal, regulatory, state and legal levels. We keep you aware of industry-related changes and challenges, and provide interpretation and suggestions for action.


Legislative Tracking Map

View/track important pieces of legislation on state and national levels

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golfer placing golf ball at a tee

Champions Circle

Support NGCOA's Advocacy Work

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advocacy hotline

Golf Business Advocacy Hotline: 843-471-1300

NEW! Speak with a dedicated ombudsman with advocacy questions or for dedicated assistance


Golf & Travel

Learn how NGCOA is involved with issues that affect golf and resort businesses.

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man in wheelchair


NGCOA educates and supports golf businesses on compliance and balance

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We help you navigate the issues that are always on the forefront of golf course businesses

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Landscaping worker

Labor & Immigration

We keep on top of these critical issues and fight legislation that could hurt your golf business

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NGCOA monitors, interprets and shares legislative updates, and advocates on your behalf

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