Benefits of a Golf Course Reserve Study


By Eric Dixon, GCS Class A Golf Club Reserves, RS, Managing Member Florida Turfgrass Association


Golf course owners face many challenges in managing their properties. One of the most important is ensuring that the course is properly maintained and that capital improvements are made as needed. To help with this task, golf course owners can conduct a reserve study. The following will explain the benefits of a golf course reserve study and why it is a valuable tool for golf course owners.

A reserve study is a comprehensive analysis of a golf course's physical and financial condition. The study examines the condition of all major assets, including buildings, equipment, and infrastructure. The study also considers the current and future costs associated with maintaining and replacing these assets. The purpose of a reserve study is to provide golf course owners with a long-term capital planning strategy that ensures the course remains in good condition and meets the expectations of golfers while avoiding unexpected costs.

One of the primary benefits of a reserve study is that it provides golf course owners with a clear understanding of the financial requirements associated with maintaining their property. A well-conducted reserve study can identify potential maintenance and replacement costs over a 30-year period. By understanding these costs, golf course owners can prepare for them and make informed decisions about their capital expenditures. For example, if a reserve study shows that a significant amount of capital will be required to replace the greens in ten years, the golf course owner can begin setting aside funds to cover this expense.

A reserve study can also help golf course owners prioritize capital improvements. By understanding the expected life cycle of various assets, golf course owners can determine which improvements are most critical and should be addressed first. This helps ensure that capital is allocated efficiently and that the most pressing issues are addressed promptly.

In addition to financial planning, a reserve study can help golf course owners ensure that their property remains in good condition. By regularly examining the physical condition of their assets, golf course owners can identify potential maintenance issues before they become major problems. This can help prevent costly repairs and extend the useful life of their assets.

Another benefit of a golf course reserve study for owners is to identify opportunities to improve the sustainability of their property. For example, if a reserve study shows that irrigation equipment is nearing the end of its useful life, the golf course owner can consider replacing it with more efficient equipment that uses less water. This not only reduces water usage but can also result in long-term cost savings.

Finally, a reserve study can be a valuable tool when it comes to communicating with stakeholders. Golf course owners can use the results of the study to demonstrate to members, investors, and other stakeholders that they have a comprehensive plan in place to manage their property. This can help build confidence in the management of the golf course and ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page when it comes to the long-term planning of the property.

A golf course reserve study is a valuable tool for golf course owners. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the physical and financial condition of a golf course and helps ensure that the property remains in good condition over the long term. By understanding the financial requirements associated with maintaining their property, golf course owners can prepare for capital expenditures and make informed decisions about their capital planning strategy. A reserve study can help golf course owners prioritize capital improvements, identify potential maintenance issues before they become major problems, and improve the sustainability of their property. Finally, a reserve study can be a valuable tool for communicating with stakeholders and building confidence in the management of the golf course. Given these benefits, it is clear that a golf course reserve study is a worthwhile investment for any golf course owner.


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Eric Dixon is the founder of Golf Club Reserves, a consultancy specializing in capital planning for golf course properties.  Eric is a Reserve Specialist and Class A Golf Course Superintendent. He was previously the Golf Course Superintendent at the Chi Chi Rodriguez Golf Club in Clearwater, FL and currently serves as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Florida Turfgrass Association.
** The views and opinions featured in Golf Business WEEKLY are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the NGCOA.**